Explore projects
A collection of all of the python scripts I have created to run CASA on ALMA archive data for calibration and imaging.
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dnomyar8 / some_3body_space
MIT License3 body simulation of Newtonian gravity in Mathematica for the 230 class
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akj53 / hak_orbitals
MIT LicenseDeriving atomic orbitals from the Schrodinger equation. Physics 230: Andrew Jones, Kevan Beckstead, Hannah Kunkel
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This repo contains all contents related to the KIM UQ paper (published in JCP)
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Homework assignment with Mason Acree implementing an ODE solution for a 1D fluid dynamics equation
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Implementation of the Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) method written as part of the Winter 2021 PHSCS 513R Computational Physics course taught by Dr. Mark Transtrum.
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Implementation of the Generalized Minimal Residual (GMRES) method written as part of the Winter 2021 PHSCS 513R Computational Physics course taught by Dr. Mark Transtrum.
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Making the long and info dense data files for ALS much more readable.
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The Acoustics Website is housed in this repository. It relies on the BYU Hugo theme built by the CSRs
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Investigating the possible limitations of diffusion mapping on non-orientable manifolds (i.e. a Möbius strip, Roman surface, Klein bottle, etc.).
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This is my "hello world" repo for small projects I started to become more familiar with certain methods or processes.
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Computationally modeling and designing enzymes from templates using PyRosetta, PyMol, GROMACS, and other python and bash utility scripts
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